YellowCube Magento 2 Extension


YellowCube is a service offered by Swiss Post that provides highly-automated warehouse for storage, picking and shipping of the physical goods.

This manual will support you with setting up YellowCube plugin on your Magento 2 store. Only YellowCube specific topics are covered in this document. In order to efficiently set up the website you should be familiar with Magento 2. If that is not the case we strongly suggest you study the Magento 2 documentation pages first.

This document is publicly developed on GitHub in the GitBook format. If you notice any mistakes or inconsistencies please consider proposing improvements by opening a pull request or opening an issue describing the problem.

If you need any support by the YellowCube team please contact us at or by phone +41 58 386 48 08.

Table of contents

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